Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Havent checked in for a while....sorry

dont even know if anyone reads this but here's an update.They are in their 5th week. They have 2 test scheduled. Mike received his first test back and he scored 100%. Hooah. LOL!

Anyway, I think most spouses that I talk to in this class are dealing with their So's becoming stressed. I have been talking to Mike for a few days listening to see how his spirits were holding up. I didn't see anything there so finally I asked him are you depressed or down. Maybe sad. He roared in laughter. He asked me why was I asking him crazy questions. I explain to him that was one of the topics with the spouses and I was concerned. He said that he was actually fine. He said that its all a mental game and seeing if they are going to break them or not. He told me you have to look at it as if you have a job to do and nothing is going to stop you from carrying out that mission. He also stated that finding some buddies that you can bond with is helpful. Being friendly makes it easier. So if you are preparing for this journey know that mental games will break you if you allow it. Some of the prior service people are having issues because they have been in charge for so long they forgot what its like to the low man on the totem pole.

Columbus Day is the first 4 day for the guys and they are thinking that they get a long pass with off post privileges. I will skip this trip. Not that I wouldn't love to see my husband but I think that financially its not a good idea. Graduation is a week long and I want to have all my extra money to spend during that time instead of trying to drive down for 7 hours, pay for hotel and food and haul the family back home. I want to really get a celebration going Grad week. If I spend on Hotel and food next month then I will be taking money out of my Grad budget. I really don't want to do that. We have a huge thing plan which we decided that was best to wait.

TA TA for now!

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